Riverina Policies
- Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the specific product information reproduced on this website is accurate at the time of publication. The version on the website may be more current than that appearing in our ‘current’ printed Product Manual. Due to advances in knowledge and feeding technology, availability (or not) of raw materials, Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd may supply products that vary from the information provided. We recommend the user check the directions for use on the bag or product label supplied with the product for the most up to date information, otherwise, contact your sales representative for clarification.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to all Personal Information collected by Riverina (Australia) Pty Limited ACN 010 755 254 (Riverina). Riverina is committed to complying with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) in respect of that information. If you are located in another jurisdiction, additional local requirements will apply.
In this policy, we explain how and why we collect your Personal Information, how we use it, and what controls you have over our use of it.
See Riverina Australia's full Privacy Policy:
Privacy Policy - Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd
(HRP 1200-2, April 2023)
Whistleblower Policy
Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd ACN 010 755 254 (the Company) recognises that a transparent whistleblowing policy is essential to good risk management and corporate governance and that whistleblowers play an important role for business, consumers and the community.
This Policy documents the commitment of the Board and senior management of the Company to maintaining an open working environment in which Directors, employees, contractors and employees of contractors observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities.
The Policy has been developed and implemented in accordance with the requirements of Part 9.4AAA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Tax Administration Act 1953 (Cth) (Whistleblower Laws). The Whistleblower Laws provide protections for individuals who report known or suspected misconduct in certain circumstances, and the Company is committed to recognising and upholding those protections.
See Riverina Australia's full Whistleblower Policy:
Whistleblower Policy - Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd
(HRS 1300-7, November 2022)
Quality and Assurance
Riverina is committed to the development, manufacture and delivery of products with properties and performance which reflect market demands and satisfy the requirements of our customers.
To achieve this objective, Riverina has implemented and maintains an effective Quality System meeting the requirements of the HACCP based, FeedSafe® Quality Management System.
As part of its quality system, Riverina
- Has put in place procedures designed to ensure that only raw materials that meet certain specified physical and/or chemical standards are accepted into any of our feed mills or branches;
- Has employed qualified nutritionists to ensure every stockfeed we manufacture is suitable for the purpose for which it was designed;
- Identifies personnel training needs at all levels within the company, encourages self improvement of our employees and provides them with training in quality matters and performance of specific assigned tasks;
- Has in place procedures and instructions which are under continual review to ensure that manufacturing and operational techniques and activities are improved as necessary and that customer requirements are satisfied; and
- Ensures that all relevant regulatory requirements, including those related to safety, are met.
Riverina employees at all levels within the organisation are required and committed to supporting these quality objectives.
Environmental Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
To provide useful and current information to relevant partners and authorities (in compliance with Section 153A of the NSW POEO Act 1997) the most recent copy of our PIRMP for our Casino and Young branches are available for download here.
PIRMP Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd – Casino Branch (Issue 11, July 2023, Size 1.22MB)
PIRMP Riverina (Australia) Pty Ltd – Young Branch (Issue 5, June 2022, Size 764KB)